find yourself hurling into the screaming mouth of God

  -- HAL 9000

Present standings from 11 voters:

54%:  1) does god swallow?                                   - Adagio
9%:   2) smashed flat on the soft, pink tnogue               - diatribe
9%:   3) anneal this hound, thine nasal hound.               - thok
27%:  4) DON'T FLUSH IT!                                     - cloned sheep

My jealousy knows no bounds

  -- Adagio

Present standings from 11 voters:

27%:  1) conversations kill                                  - diatribe
9%:   2) junky basswood mouse nylon.                         - thok
9%:   3) and my soul's worn thin                             - Sexy Chicken
18%:  4) i wanna be Rupert Murdoch baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    - cloned sheep
9%:   5) but some rebounds                                   - Joseph
18%:  6) I want...blood.                                     - Adagio
9%:   7) So here I sit on death row.                         - ZAPHOD

Please set your watch ahead one season.

  -- cloned sheep

Present standings from 10 voters:

20%:  1) healthy saucepans wore a sedate noose.              - thok
20%:  2) this weather intoxicates my skin                    - diatribe
10%:  3) is it virtual October yet?                          - Joseph
10%:  4) You would think so, but no                          - Adagio
20%:  5) i thought it was always October.                    - Radio Free Willy
10%:  6) and set your brain back two.                        - ZAPHOD
10%:  7) no, it's "spring ahead" brain and all               - Beledi

would you like sauce with that?

  -- diatribe

Present standings from 10 voters:

20%:  1) eat a husky willow.  cut out.  hide.                - thok
10%:  2) I don't call it sauce... but it tastes lovely!!     - HAL 9000
20%:  3) may the sauce be with me                            - Joseph
10%:  4) Mmmm...oh YEAH...more!                              - Adagio
20%:  5) Only if its still hot and sticky!                   - ZAPHOD
10%:  6) loud, proud, sassy, and brassy                      - diatribe
10%:  7) hot-steamy-and-saucy (licking lips)                 - Beledi

A Gentleman's Guide to the Fine Art of Homosexual Prostitution

  -- Adagio

Present standings from 10 voters:

20%:  1) smoothtensilerufousrefugeeadamantexploitationtonight- thok
40%:  2) for Dummies, vol. II                                - Joseph
10%:  3) Fruit flavored bubble gum gets the condom taste out - HAL 9000
10%:  4) really? even if it's lubricated? I'll remember that - Adagio
20%:  5) sometimes you just don't go in the bathroom         - diatribe

Don't comets usually mean the end of the world?

  -- Radio Free Willy

Present standings from 9 voters:

33%:  1) follow alert hound.  study meson death cement.      - thok
11%:  2) Only in the movies and comicbooks.                  - Adagio
11%:  3) that nostradamus guy is dead, it's ok.              - diatribe
22%:  4) Hale "Bob"                                          - HAL 9000
11%:  5) no, just the end of certain zealots                 - Beledi
11%:  6) how do you feel?                                    - Joseph

how do you work this?


Present standings from 8 voters:

12%:  1) grasp firmly, move slowly, back and forth           - Adagio
25%:  2) oh wow.  your id's thok.                            - thok
25%:  3) you need win95 to do it, the guy told me            - diatribe
12%:  4) Insert tab "A" into slit "B"                        - HAL 9000
12%:  5) fold lengthwise, but never crosswise                - Beledi
12%:  6) you just work it.  baby.  on out.                   - Joseph

Purple Smurf sent me a card from New Orleans!

  -- Adagio

Present standings from 8 voters:

25%:  1) aerate fern.  prop null moss.  screw madmen's fur.  - thok
12%:  2) carly sent me bloody, severed hand (our lovechild). - diatribe
12%:  3) Should be back t'day'r t'morrow. Dave'll be happy.  - Adagio
37%:  4) All smurfs must die                                 - HAL 9000
12%:  5) give me a ticket for an airoplane.                  - Joseph

when they suck you mind, like a pigeon you'll fly

  -- diatribe

Present standings from 8 voters:

12%:  1) Oh baby...oh...SUCK ME!!!                           - Adagio
37%:  2) they puke luminous whelk candy in oily lye fog.     - thok
25%:  3) How does your brain taste? Filled with good things? - HAL 9000
12%:  4) if they want you to cry, leap into the sky          - diatribe
12%:  5) sugar, spice, and chicken soup with rice            - Joseph

Where're the white women at?

  -- Adagio

Present standings from 8 voters:

25%:  1) we, we tether the harem wino.                       - thok
12%:  2) They're for sale at Akhbar's behind the Bazaar.     - HAL 9000
37%:  3) There's a sale at Wet Seal.                         - Sexy Chicken
12%:  4) How much and what do I get for my money?            - Adagio
12%:  5) the Sultan of Brunei is holding them hostage        - Beledi

"...naked, wearing only a cockring."

  -- Adagio

Present standings from 6 voters:

33%:  1) I'm the Eat Me, Beat Me Lady!                       - Sexy Chicken
16%:  2) Oh split.                                           - diatribe
33%:  3) weaken lying organ, acorn dick.                     - thok
16%:  4) that has a familiar cockring to it...               - Joseph

the supreme hashish candy of the mind, quoth burroughs

  -- diatribe

Present standings from 6 voters:

16%:  1) admonish brushfire's herds though quote a cute nymph- thok
33%:  2) purple wombats do not wear bowties                  - HAL 9000
16%:  3) brion gysin's all purpose bedtime story             - diatribe
16%:  4) i got a mugwump for christmas, baybee               - Sexy Chicken
16%:  5) the queen's borroughs                               - Joseph

a new standard by which to measure infamy

  -- diatribe

Present standings from 3 voters:

33%:  1) daddy                                               - HAL 9000
33%:  2) foamy, winy, acrid shame.  daunt a bent shrew.      - thok
33%:  3) the cubic nixon!                                    - Joseph

Where oh Where has the E of E gone?

  -- HAL 9000

Present standings from 2 voters:

50%:  1) fete eager hose hero, eh?  how?  when?              - thok
50%:  2) the local call got too expensive?                   - Joseph

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