#1/50: By: NEW. (#79) (SIGOp) : NEW.
 02/03/97 06:04pm


#2/50: By: gosubrun (#16) : it
 02/20/97 03:08am

wasn't my mind, but my tooth. My tooth was rotten. yes it was. 
And like a fool, or like most people, i put up with it.
that is until it broke through and threatened to poison the entire system.
now it's better.
so am i

#3/50: By: HAL 9000 (#73) : daisy, daisy, give 
 02/21/97 10:51pm

me your answer do.  i'm half crazy, all for the love of you.

does the thought of WINDOWS 2001 worry you?

it does me.

#4/50: By: ZAPHOD (#41) : Fuck Yes! windows 2001!
 02/23/97 12:16am

You are Looking at the  ELVIS PRESLEY of O.S.,

KInda like...Bill Gates meets Blade runner in an Orson Wells rejected
DooM level, All you have to defend yourself with is your knowledge
of "cookie.txt" scrambelers and a "Vons Club card"
Thank BoB I woke up!
Yes Hal- you will dream, after we up grade the AE35 unit!

#5/50: By: Radio Free Willy (#3) : Windows 2001
 02/25/97 10:44am

Is that the OS that can't store dates past 12/31/1999?

#6/50: By: rEvErSe plIAf (#7) : Windows 2002
 03/03/97 06:30am

I want a 1962 DeSoto with Ethernet.

And optional backup lights.

#7/50: By: Radio Free Willy (#3) : painted like a Security Patrol CaR?
 03/05/97 10:07am

#8/50: By: ZAPHOD (#41) : With dogs!
 03/06/97 04:40pm


#9/50: By: ZAPHOD (#41) : YES ZAPHOD
 03/08/97 01:46am

with dogs.

#10/50: By: gosubrun (#16) : hahaha
 03/12/97 12:44am

if windows95 continues to display its shortcomings
there won't BE a windows2000
at least, not on 5IFM!

#11/50: By: lucifer (#102) : Windows95 Bah!  Time to buy a new Mac.
 03/15/97 03:11pm

#12/50: By: diatribe (#4) : freeze.
 03/16/97 12:06am

that's what they do.  :)  actually i want a mac to do photostuff on, i need
some old lady to croak and give me money for computer crap.  i finally got a 
job, $8 an hour for my first job!  i'm happy.  the only problem is that my
overseer is very religious and keeps asking him (in the nicest and sweetest of
all ways) to visit his church.  he is the sweetest man i've ever met, it's so
hard for me to say no in the right way.  my mom and i went a couple times (my
mom doesn't really get out so i thought it'd be a good chance to meet other
people not affiliated with business, though it's a sad reason to go to church
it's one a lot of people have) but it was a mistake cuz now he really wants us
to continue going...  sigh . . . 

#13/50: By: ZAPHOD (#41) : Boy that reilly bugs me
 03/16/97 12:19pm

He should know when to give his ministry a rest.
Then it doesnt put you into a position thats uncomfortable
or you could tell him that you belong to the same church
as HAL 9000, that would prob freak him right out of existance
(no offense HAL).

#14/50: By: HAL 9000 (#73) : praise the elder gods.
 03/16/97 10:00pm

Diatribe as a pagan.  What a fine thought.  Welcome to the church, just step
over here to this altar...

#15/50: By: ZAPHOD (#41) : I said
 03/17/97 12:25am

no offense, zelot like this guy usually cant handel a little truth
outside of there own belief system, if you wanted to put em on the
HOT seat start asking evasive questions like "why is it important
to you that I attend" once his answers are clearly stated, start asking
why thoes values are important to him, and why they should apply to you
cotinue mincing his dialog with a nit comb, if your good at he will run
screeming in the night or just start pondering why his mind is so small
and the universe is so big...mind you this can quickly turn into
a sick and twisted game of spritual wills and (depending in the intelects
involved) can leave 2 people very brused, however its LOADS of fun 
with religious (unannounced) ministers who come knocking at your door
I have passed many a saturday afternoon corrupting jahovas witnesses
and held off long boring flight delays with sceintoligest folks who
never could quite define why they were there in the first place....

I realize diatribe that this is a boss/co-worker so ya gotta be
congenial but.....

hay HAL..... whatcha gonna do when I step up there? does it involve
whips an chains and stuff...cause ya know I have been a bad boy....

#16/50: By: Radio Free Willy (#3) : mac
 03/17/97 11:42am

is becoming enough like PC that now Mac users can have a lot of the same fun
that we had traditionally reserved for ourselves.  They bomb, crash, make funny
noises, eat data and refuse to run SCSI with almost as much style as the PC. 
They have a ways to go, but they're catching up fast.

Running Photoshop on the Mac is now like taking pictures with a Nikon. 
Nice, but a Canon F1 works as well.

#17/50: By: diatribe (#4) : oh caloo calay
 03/17/97 07:12pm

i can't be rude to this guy, he's much too sweet.  he keeps saying how he wants
to save my soul and how much jesus would love ot meet me.  it's weird but it's
sweet in a way.  i'd love to attend pagan ceremonies but i don't think i have
what it takes to be pagan.  and god forbid i should ever go unitarian.  they
drive me nuts.  why is this? are you sure that?  why? who? what?

#18/50: By: HAL 9000 (#73) : Send to
 03/17/97 11:25pm

PO Box 140306
Dallas Texas, 75214

and ask for a few "Bob" brochures.  (And send them a few bucks) and attempt to
save his soul for Wotan.

Also, why don't you have what it takes to be pagan?

#19/50: By: diatribe (#4) : faith is 
 03/20/97 10:46pm

hard for me to establish.  when i was a child i beleived in god, i prayed alone
at the dinnertable while no one else did, i prayed before sleep, i went to
church, i really beleived.  the more i prayed, the shittier my life got and
after a while i just stopped beleiving.  my parents lied to me as a child and
continure to lie to me.  My mother does MULTI LEVEL MARKETING SHIT.  In other
words my mother sank Albania.  anyway, my mind has settled that faith is nice
but that in reality all i really need is do what needs to be done and rely on
myself.  no faith, no superstition, no ...

i don't know.  i'm actually a pretty superstitious person, I just hesitate to
have faith in anything that promises anything of any sort.

#20/50: By: thok (#69) : i fit ash.
 03/21/97 12:40am

my mother liked setting off exit alarms.  she never learned to drive,
because she knew they'd lock her up for ramming people.

#21/50: By: HAL 9000 (#73) : diatribe, it makes perfect sense to me that
 03/21/97 01:29pm

praying to the patriarchal god would make your life worse.  Just read

thats what he wants for women, and that's what the whole belief system would
lead you into...   The more energy you put into something, the more you connect
to the real agenda of that thing, and the more it connects to you!!

#22/50: By: ZAPHOD (#41) : I dunno...
 03/22/97 12:14am

I have called on the word, and have been saved from bleeding, fiery
ickky death....

#23/50: By: HAL 9000 (#73) : Yes, but the Bible is full of stories of men
 03/22/97 09:30am

who have done the same;  called on God for help and recieved it.  I'm not
knocking Christianity, just noting that when you invoke a belief system you
also get stuck with its baggage.  This also happen in Paganism, there's just
baggage of a different sort!!

#24/50: By: Adagio (#25) : well
 03/24/97 02:08am

        diatribe: Totally support your idea on faith and agree 100%. On the
other hand, you've just convinced me that your mother is kinda cool. ;> What
products does she push? [Equinox RULES! ;>]

        Zaphod: Who's word? 

        HAL: Nah, go ahead...knock christianity....it's fun! ;>

        btw, I though diatribe would make a perfect pagan, since she's such a
hippie to begin with...;>

        -Il Diavolo

#25/50: By: ZAPHOD (#41) : The word? anybodies i guess
 03/24/97 01:39pm

Something I blerted out just as I was about to die a screeming
very messy death at a high rate of speed i said "JESUS PLEASE NOT NOW"
and.....the motorcycle stoped dead where i was, I got off with out
a scratch...that was that...(this is the time the back tire came off)

#26/50: By: Beledi (#65) : I had a similar experience with
 03/24/97 11:16pm

"Goddess Please Not Now."  It all depends on your world view, I guess.

#27/50: By: Radio Free Willy (#3) : oh, good old Albania
 03/25/97 11:40am

Guns don't kill people; mass media kills people.

#28/50: By: HAL 9000 (#73) : So the collary to that is that mass media needs
 03/25/97 02:41pm

to be restricted.  The people should never have access.  Right?

#29/50: By: Adagio (#25) : Yep
 03/25/97 04:00pm

        Is there ANYTHING so horrible than it should be completely abolished
and destroyed utterly? 

        Besides PCP, I mean.

        -Il Diavolo

#30/50: By: thok (#69) : bud the sloth is a bad hole.
 03/25/97 09:37pm

commerce.  i hate commerce.

#31/50: By: Adagio (#25) : how is anything supposed to change hands, then?
 03/26/97 04:04pm

#32/50: By: gosubrun (#16) : redux
 03/27/97 08:42pm

what it takes to be a pagan? some variety of genitals, that's all...
Zea-lot! rides into town
on a black horse; black
gunbelt, black
eyes, burning
heart, single
consider: notions of a "punishing" and "remorseless" male god and "nurturing"
and "sweet" female goddess as reflections of the reality of desert living. 
couse macs are great at photopublishing. its what they're built for.
now they're trying to me a 
home theatre
entertainment complex
financial analyst
net-walking, cool talkin'
photopublishing machine
so of course they are freezing. welcome to REAL computers.
the mac is a specialized beast, and of course it excels at what it was made
for. I am still searching for an atari st for video work. If i could find one
it would be cheap.
jeezus, there's more processing power in your washer than the original Eniac.
we just want Star Trek NOW.

#33/50: By: HAL 9000 (#73) : I think I would have to disagree...
 03/28/97 12:06am

"some kind of genitals" is a recipe for disaster...  I've seen people do the
sex/drugs/polyamorous thing and watched the destruction it can cause...  The
problem seems to be two-fold:

1.)  Too many people use the theology as an excuse for addictive/boorish
     behavior.  They carry their addictions and sexual stupidity into ritual
     and next thing you know everyone is connected to some kind of low level
     but very powerful and dangerous energy being that is mainly composed of
     magical energy and everyone's addictive shit.  For an excellent example, 
     Note the "Demon" that the Church of All Worlds has described at their
     headquarters in literature mailed _ONLY_ to folks at fourth circle and
     above...  And note a few other things about CAW that an observant watcher
     might have seen.

2.)  Too many folks come to the sex/drugs/religion thing with _before_ dealing
     with their addictions and sexual problems (jealously, self destructive
     behavior, lack of knowledge about safe sex, and a willingness to mix sex
     and drugs in a way that can easily lead to not reacing for the condom at
     a crucial moment.

     Without getting into further discussion of sex, I should note the sad
     spectacle of a Church of All Worlds nest I know of which maintained a
     12 step program that was a sham.  All these people coming to get rid of
     their addictions and being counseled, befriended, and sponsored by folks
     who took LSD, Marijuana, and Mushrooms on a regular basis.  As on might
     imagine, it didn;t work very well.

I have been a practicing Pagan/Wiccan for a number of years and despite much
ritual work and therapy still haven't gotten to the point where I feel that I
could appropriately participate in such a household or set of ideas - and I
work harder at dealing with such stuff than most of the other pagans I know...

This is not to say that sex is unimportant to Paganism - just that it is only
one part of a whole which takes in several aspects of life - birth, death,
renewal, the reclaiming of the world from patriarchy, the understanding of the
unconscious mind, etc.

#34/50: By: diatribe (#4) : aw
 03/28/97 03:21pm

i have to book it to work, i will reply later.  :)

bye for now :)

#35/50: By: ZAPHOD (#41) : See
 03/29/97 02:33am

It all sounds so organized to me.....
Thats what I freak about the most, I got a rack of understandings
about what is what, What Im doing here, and how I have a highly personal
I/e the big thing that we all know is there and is gonna be there when
you die and is responsable for the creation of all things (cakk it what 
you want) this presence is felt in all things and depending on a persons
station in there own speritual growth/situation (over many lives) they will
find diffrent ways to deal with the obvious.....however I always discover
that no matter how detached one tries to be from organized religion
the miniute you tell ANYONE how you feel there is gonna be some faction
or another trying to draw you in, show you the way "be one of them"
which (to me) is a totally human (socialy speaking) response to an 
otherwise personal need to put things in order. I find comfort in
certan aspects of all religions even the "uranchians" (look it up)
however I do not feel one set of spacific and /or dogmatic guidelines
is the "answer".....I never found the need to ask the question
no insults intended, I just think that to truly understand religon
one must have NO religon, that does not mean one has no belief in
the powers of nature (beond themselves) just that one refuses to put
much stock in the way other humans have chosen to encapsulate it.


#36/50: By: diatribe (#4) : cult baby, cult baby andy st. clair
 03/29/97 03:40am

my mother has done stuff with
1)shaperite- a vitamin and etc company.  hot seller: PIne Bark + Grape Seed
anti-oxidant.  $50 for a teeny bottle.  People can't get enough of it.  mom
made a bundle.  I don't get it.  Grape seed is $8 a bottle at trader joes.
2)NTC-phone company.  dumped this one real quick.  not enough income for all
the legwork i guess.  :) also no flashy offer of a chance at a mercedes or
cadillac that other Multi Level scasms offer
3)Some beauty-product company.- one main product, anti-aging.  big fad to use
among korean women.  $500 a set.  Set lasts approx 4 months or so. creams and
such, very harsh.  strange.  old bags take last grab at youth.
4)jewelway- jewelry, etc.  not too clear on this one.
i'm proud of her for taking her own initiative but i wish she'd do some other,
less awful work.

thok:  how do you feel towards your mother now?  

Atari St?  You making music?  Oooh, let me in!  I wanna hear.  :)

I am not a hippie.

I don't believe in Beatles.  
I just beleive in me,
I guess.

#37/50: By: Adagio (#25) : <>
 03/29/97 04:58am

        diet-ribe: Sounds pretty impressive to me. I always wished I had the
capacity for sales. It really does take that "je ne sais quoi" to pull off an'
I gotta say I envy those who can do it. Why d'you think it's so awful? 

        well, if yer not a hippie, you cetainly seemed to subscribe to many of
the tenets of hippie-ism...;>

        zap-hod: Well, mate, for the most part I agree with ya. I've never
even understood the need to ask the question, much less done it m'self. It
just seems kind of trivial. However, I do depart with ya, as the closest thing
I get to any sort of power beyond nature might be the laws of probability. Or
maybe not. 

        -Il Diavolo

#38/50: By: Lizard (#47) : "The tenets of hippie-ism"... hmmm...
 03/29/97 08:37pm

There are political hippies, philosophical hippies, pharmaceutical hippies, and
they all live very differently. Perhaps the only thing they have in common is
that none of them are what you might call "mainstream" in this society. But of
course, that covers a LOT of people.

All this theological pondering here has been going on since our species
learned to communicate. And still no answers. So don't expect to figure out
what happens after death. Look at it this way... if there is a God, and God
WANTED us to know, I mean really KNOW what happens next, then we WOULD know.
Because God is God and God could have set things up any way HE/SHE/IT wanted
to. But, in fact, we dont' know. We never have, not for certain. So that must
be the way God wants it. So quit worrying about it. ENJOY THE RIDE! There can
be nothing sadder than to waste a life worrying about what's going to happen
next. ENJOY THIS MOMENT! Live for now. (Do I sound like "a hippie?")


#39/50: By: ZAPHOD (#41) : I think Lizard
 03/29/97 10:39pm

thats what i was tring to say or at least your discription better
discribes my feelings   

would you mind if I Quote you?

Adagio: I agree, I think the laws mentioned are part of the
set up...came with the apartment so to speak.....

#40/50: By: HAL 9000 (#73) : Actually, I think the Hindus have the best
 03/30/97 12:41pm

understanding of God/dess in the sense that they believe in one divine
principle of the universe that causes all things, but they also have their Gods
and Goddesses - the very clearly stated implication of all this being that
there is one being that is so big and complicated and all encompassing
that no-one can know it in any real way...  But the being is able to wear
"masks" or maybe divide itself into lesser beings we know as gods and
goddesses, so that there is something we can approach in "Human" terms and
communicate with on a somewhat realistic basis...

My concern, in the above post doesn't so much have to do with what is "right"
theologicly as the particular religion's effect on the people and the kind of
people it brings in...  They may very well be right, and may very well have the
perfect connection with the All-Being.  But I'd rather be wrong than do it
their way.  As I have previously stated, all religions, MY OWN INCLUDED, have
their baggage and there is no getting around that.  Of course, not believing
also has its baggage, and the real issue in many ways has to do not with what
one believes, but with the baggage one is willing to haul around with them.

Maybe I should have said, "My concern in my earlier post"

#41/50: By: diatribe (#4) : why is it awful?
 03/31/97 08:43pm

she's doing so much work for thses multi-level scasms.  if she put the same
amount of work into a business for herself, she'd be rewarded so much more than
the trickles she get's now.  my mother is a very deceptive woman.  she's very
innocent looking, know's how to pull a pout on someone, and can push anyone
over (somehow).  i once heard her tell a woman that a product would stop

the woman believed her.  

#42/50: By: HAL 9000 (#73) : DIATRIBE - YOU'VE WON!!
 03/31/97 11:57pm

Its really easy to sell hype, even to the sales people...

Kinda Sad, I think.

#43/50: By: thok (#69) : i aim no epitaph.
 04/01/97 04:04am

i love my mother dearly.  it's a pity she's dead.

#44/50: By: ZAPHOD (#41) : Im sorry thok,
 04/01/97 07:12pm

I dred the day that comes to pass, I kinda got a sense of what it
will be like as I am all out of gramma's and grampa's though I smile
at the stars and the waves when I hear there voices - I was fortunate
enough to have had at least 1 final signifigant life experiance with
each one just prior to there passing - they all knew/know I love them.

#45/50: By: Lizard (#47) : Quote me?!
 04/02/97 12:05am

Oh, sure, Zaphod... I'm glad you liked the way I put the thought together. I
re-read your previous entry and you were saying the same thing as I... about
not understanding why so many people even worry about what's to be in the next
life, if there even is one. What's hard is wondering about those you knew, and
still care about, who have died. I think death is easy for the dead. But it's a
bitch for those of us still living.


#46/50: By: Adagio (#25) : well
 04/02/97 02:49am

        Lizard: No, ya don't dound like a hippie t'me. ;>

        HAL: I think you gotta expand on this baggage thing now...

        diatribe: Ah, so the multi-levels she's in now aren't really makin'
bank, eh? Hm...maybe she ought to try Equinox. Those people are a kickass MLM
and they have a Brentwood office right around the corner from the NuArt. And if
the woman was stupid enough to believe your mother's claim, she deserves what
she gets. 

        "Whoever said, 'Let the buyer beware' was probably bleeding from the
                -George Carlin

        thok: Dude, bummer.

        -Il Diavolo

#47/50: By: HAL 9000 (#73) : thok, let me add appropriate condolences...
 04/02/97 12:07pm

sorry to hear it man.

adagio - ok, baggage...  Christian baggage - the religion hates women and tells
you to burn members of other religions (at least those who don't convert) and
beat your kids with a stick (at least that is the misinterpretation most people
make of the "spare the rod" business - rod actually refers to the shepherd's
crook in the original hebrew) also the religion hates sex... several men
counted as Catholic Saints had themselves castrated or even did it

Jewish baggage - noisy as hell, guilt, the whole Jewish Mother thing (which men
can do too... take my father - please.) and the insistence that they deserve to
own Israel - one of the worst peices of real estate in the world for a variety
of reasons.

Pagan baggage - the whole "we must be poor" thing (rich pagans are hated -
THEIR magic must have worked...) sniping, feuding, gossiping, bitching,
EGO, EGO, EGO, EGO, EGO...  Ambiguity, the W-word (Witch!!) and the C-Word
(Consensus - AAAGH!!) and the dread behind the back insult "They work with

Moslem baggage - Martyr complex, hates women, thinks the Jews shouldn't own
Israel (one of the worst peices of real estate in the world for a variety of
reasons) etc.

Baggage.  Need I go on?

#48/50: By: Beledi (#65) : This is why
 04/03/97 11:47pm

I work very hard to keep my spiritual beliefs to myself, and practice my
devotional meditations by myself in private.  Parading one's religion in public
is like masterbating in public. Pleasurable, but offensive to others, and apt
to get you into some kind of trouble.  In fact, I prefer not think of my
spiritual life as a religion at all- just some stuff I do that works for me,
and probably wouldn't work exactly the same for anyone, and keeps me feeling
happy and peaceful when I really need to.  I don't believe in proseletizing- I
mean- what would be the point?  Spirituality is different for each individual,
even if a group agrees to call it one name and come up with a few rules to make
it seem more legit.

#49/50: By: gosubrun (#16) : hal
 04/05/97 11:32pm

we don't disagree at all!

"some kind of genitals" is a smile at both the fact that
paganism is a religion taking its philisophical inspiration from the forces of
generation and the creative impulse and the fact that "where is paganism" is as
close as your own body. 
it is people who would misuse christianity the same way; as an excuse
that is why there were priest/ess and coven; most people are not really
prepared or competent to handle metaphysics. Its not snobbish but the truth. 
Witness Heaven's Gate, a corruption of an old extreme gnoszgtic view, itself a
derivitation: the mystics borrowed it from Kabalism, and the Kabalists, being
broke, were ii]n no condition to lend anything to anybody. 
no, really: the original kabalists were forbidden to study until they had
both children and a business; the reason was to ground people in the real as
opposed to the theoretical so they wouldn't fall off the edge.
Other worlds are {reat but you really are in no position to access them so
if you{live in them you will be seriously out of joint with the consensual
spacetime matrix. 
mixing drugs with it, unless the person is{trained beforehand, is dangerous
drugs are an unstable medium, useful but seriously considered for drawbacks;
{dependence eats the very facilities one is trying to build.

#50/50: By: LORD GOD DAVE (#53) : 
 04/08/97 10:54pm

as it should be...

-*> next or boards <*-